Hanauma Bay's mongoose... time to fine the City and County of Honolulu
Has it ever been this bad? I mean, I've complained about the Hanauma Bay Exotic Animal Park, but yesterday was a whopper.
I submit that the City and County of Honolulu are "keeping" mongoose within the state, by knowingly providing them with food and shelter. The lack of control, the failure to provide mongoose-proof trash containers, and the failure to educate staff and visitors alike not to feed the animals, fits my definition of "keep."
Hawaii Injurious Wildlife (HAR 124) notes that no person shall:
(1) Release injurious wildlife into the wild;
(2) Transport them to islands or locations within the State where they are not already established and living in a wild state;
(3) Export any such species, or the dead body or parts thereof, from the State.
HDOA Animal Industry Division Quarantine Rule HAR 142-93 is specific to mongoose. It states:
"§142-93 Harboring mongoose; penalty. Any person harboring, feeding, or in any way caring for a mongoose, except upon and according to the terms of a written permit which may be granted therefor by the department of agriculture, in its discretion, to scientists, scientific institutions, associations, or colleges, or to officers, boards, or commissions of the State or any county, shall be penalized..."
"Harborage" is defined by the State Department of Health as "any condition or place which may provide shelter for public health vectors or favor their multiplication or continued existence" and a "vector" means an organism, usually an insect or other arthropod, rodent, or other animal, capable of transmitting the causative agents of human diseases or affecting public health and well-being." I believe cats and mongoose at Hanauma Bay qualify as "vectors."
Thank you. Well said and needed. Mongoose and free-roaming cats need to be controlled. They are way out of control.