The Manoa Falls run, annotated

Here's a taste of the run that Caroline and I do about 3 times a week.  We have a 5, a 6, a 7, and an 8 mile version.  This is the 8 mile run, annotated.  You see what we see, without the huffing and puffing!  Oh, and no cats.

Mile 1.  We've been slowly climbing, then at mile 1 we have these stairs. Waikiki is on the horizon. 

Mile 2.  This is close to the top of upper Manoa.  It's a 1 mile climb.  We are near the trailhead for the Puu Pia Trail.  There are no sidewalks in these neighborhoods, but drivers are pretty good at watching out for pedestrians.

Mile 3.  We've dropped back into middle Manoa, mauka of the Chinese Cemetery. This is a bridge over Manoa Stream.

Mile 4.  It just came out that mile 4 occurred at the trailhead for the Manoa Falls Trail.  The turn to the left goes to the UH Lyon Arboretum.

Mile 5.  We are about 100 yards from the falls, but the trail is poorly maintained past these stairs, making much of the trail single-file.  Crowds make running impossible, so this is often our turn-around point.  So the actual trail running is a mile up and a mile back.  You just have to run faster than the mosquitos can fly...

Mile 6.  This is probably about 6.2 miles, but I wanted to get to the Paradise Park parking lot.  In 2000, cars parked here at their own risk.  It was a dirt lot paved with the broken glass of dozens (hundreds?) of car break-ins.  Now, the lot is paved with asphalt and an attendant charges $5.  It's a lot safer.  Paradise Park currently is controversial in Manoa because the owners are seeking to expand the use of the facility to include shows for Waikiki tourists., meaning busloads of people will start coming up.

This is about mile 6.4.  We are just leaving the forested area and reentering the upper Manoa neighborhood.  It is downhill all the way home.  The tall trees in the middle of this picture are albizia trees, a widespread and invasive tree responsible for many power outages because the trees blow down in wind storms, knocking down power lines.

Mile 7.  Manoa Elementary School.  The Manoa pool and tennis courts are right next to the school.

Mile 8.  Noelani Elementary School.  Both Katelin and Wesley went to school here, as did President Obama for a short time.  It is a .2 mile walk to the Manoa home from here.

This is Manoa Valley circa 1900.  So 118 years ago, no homes, no trees on the hillsides, and many rice and taro fields.  This photo is in the lobby of the Manoa Library.


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