Caroline at Victoria Falls, on the Zambezi River, Zimbabwe. Waterfalls! Large waterfalls command our attention, with sound and spray. They can thunder to the extent that you can't have a conversation with a person standing next to you. You actually can feel the force of the water cascading over the edge. And small waterfalls are the provenance of poets and lovers. Water trickling down a rock face and dripping into a pool is mesmerizing, inspiring, and calming. No matter where you are, the same physical principles are involved. Water flows downhill. When that downhill is abrupt, you have a waterfall. . Little Logan River, Logan, Utah. Gocta Falls, Peru, one of the tallest waterfalls in the world. The sound was deafening. Blue Mountains National Park, New South Wales, Australia. . Hanakapiai Falls is a 300-foot waterfall on the Na Pali Coast of Kauai, Hawaii. Nugget Falls, Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, Alaska. Dunn's River Falls, Jamaica. Dominica. Great Falls Park (Maryland si...